Welcome to Chestnuts Australia Inc.

Our Mission Our Organisation is dedicated to the growth of the Chestnut Industry through:

  • Grower Education
  • Promotion
  • Research
  • Sharing of Information

The Association assists members with first hand information on the growing, harvesting and marketing of chestnuts. We aim to achieve these objectives through annual and special meetings, conferences, field days, and farm walks. Personal contact with other members at these and less structured functions are also very important.


*Chestnut Blight Surveillance 2024*

Chestnut growers we need your assistance to carry out a survey of your own trees using the form below.

Chestnut Blight Surveillance Form (interactive)

Surveys of all orchards Australia wide would be helpful.

Industry thanks you!

Return forms to ibo@chestnutsaustralia.com.au

*Comprehensive Info to manage Chestnut Blight*

CAI has been working with Agriculture Victoria and preparing a wealth of material for growers, their staff and other support people to undertake a comprehensive survey program.

Some of the material includes:

*On-Farm Chestnut Biosecurity Planner*

Work on the Chestnut Biosecurity Planner has been completed. A hard copy has been posted to each CAI member. The planner is such that you can write notes in each of the sections to assist you in undertaking your own on-farm biosecurity. Use the document also to inform, train and educate your orchard staff!

Chestnuts Australia Consumer Website

Learn About Chestnuts

CAI serves as an umbrella organisation, representing and progressing the interests of everyone in the chestnut industry

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We are the industry representative body lobbying on your behalf, whether you are a grower, wholesaler, or you provide services along the supply chain.

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Chestnuts Australia Consumer Website

Levy Payers

The Chestnut levy provides resources which are available to all levy payers.

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Your Levy at Work

The statutory chestnut levy is money gathered from growers across Australia to fund R&D and Marketing projects

Chestnuts Australia Consumer Website

Visit the Chestnuts Australia Consumer Website


Chestnuts Australia Consumer Website

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Showing you more ways to enjoy Australian Chestnuts