Week Ending Friday 8th May, 2009
(Please note this is the final report for the 2009 season)
Prices (Average): Medium $4 Standard $5 L1 $7 L2 $9
Thursday 7/5/09
Amounts transported to SA via Melbourne Markets – 3 tonne
Sunday 3/5/09
Amounts transported to SA via Melbourne Markets – 1 tonne
Week Ending Friday 1st May, 2009
Prices (Average): Medium $4 Standard $5 L1 $7 L2 $9
Thursday 30/4/09
Amounts transported to SA via Melbourne Markets – 2 tonne
Week ending Friday 24th April, 2009
Prices (Average): Standard $7.60 Medium $5.60 Large $9.60 L1 $10.60
Tuesday 21/4/09
Amounts transported to SA via Melbourne Markets – 1 tonne
Thursday 16/4/09
Amounts transported to SA via Melbourne Markets – 1.02 tonne
Week ending Friday 17th April, 2009
Prices: Ex Large $12 Large $11 Standard $9 Medium $6
Sunday 5/4/09
Amounts transported to SA via Melbourne Markets – 1 tonne